
The first annual Geomatics & Civil Engineering Career Fair provides an opportunity for industry to interact with the top undergraduate and graduate students in Lassonde's Department of Earth and Space Engineering and Science and the Department of Civil Engineering.

The Lassonde School of Engineering is home to over 2,000 students and York University as a whole represents 52,000 students and over 7,000 faculty and staff, which make it the third largest school in Canada. Between now and 2050 we face great challenges including climate change, clean water, energy and cyber security. To solve these big problems and to seize the enormous possibilities, the world needs engineers who are more than just technical experts. The world needs a different kind of engineer and students expect a different kind of engineering education to prepare them for the next 50 years. The Lassonde School of Engineering has been created to be the home of the Renaissance Engineer.

Event is organized by:

Civil Engineers of Lassonde - csce.yorku@gmail.com
ITE York University Student Chapter - ite@yorku.ca
Geomatics Club York University - geocyu@outlook.com